Deidre Ogilvie

I have undertaken a number of artistic endeavours over the years, but have concentrated on painting in the last 15 years. Choosing mentoring over formal art education, I started with a course at Swinburne and then moved on to a group at Albert Park.
For the last 10 years I have worked with a mentor, John Lawry. He has a group that ranges from beginners and students preparing for final year folios, to professional artists preparing for exhibitions.
Working in a range of mediums
I work mainly in oils, watercolours and acrylics. but have been exploring mixed media and alcohol ink. In addition to exploring colours and textures, I like experimenting with different techniques and merging these to create original pieces of art.
Living in the UK for several years, I worked with a watercolourist in the north of England. I soon learned that it has its own joys.
The subjects I paint
My subjects are influenced by my travels and the photographs that I have taken. I like recreating some of my favourite scenes. I have done several commissions of paintings for children’s bedrooms. For these I use images of their favourite things, referencing time and the place of their birth.
Painting means always learning
With each new painting I learn more of the excitement that comes from creating something special, with tonal values, colours, composition and light. I enjoy the challenge of solving a visual problem. My aim is to create something special that I hope gives pleasure to someone else.
Valuing creative endeavours
Creative endeavours, like playing music or making pictures, do something to the brain. They open a kind of peacefulness that is hard to find in any other way. I use colours, lines and other elements to create feelings, such as happiness or anger.
By capturing moments in time, I hope to provide the viewer with food for thought. I like to think my paintings create a feeling of reverence and comfort that others can take in and absorb by just sitting and looking.
Working with the arts community
At present, I am an art group facilitator at the Mary Keogh Centre, Albert Park. I also belong to a group of creative artists that exhibit regularly in and around Melbourne.