Penny Sharples

Penny Sharples is an abstract impressionist artist who works in oil and cold wax, acrylic and mixed medium.
Travel as inspiration
An avid traveler, Penny loves to walk the land and experience diverse cultures at a very visceral level. She takes the time to reflect upon the natural environment, observing the complex yet very beautiful world cycling through patterns, phases and in different stages of transition.
Change as a constant
Nothing ever stands still; nothing ever maintains its current state, identity or shape for very long. In fact, all of nature cycles through seasons of change and transformation, effortlessly and naturally.
For Penny, this is true of passing through psychological and physical states of transformation throughout her life. These experiences provide a rich palette of inspiration that permeates her work.
Myths, fairytales and dreams
Penny draws experience of different cultures through myths, fairy tales and her inner landscape of dreams.
How her paintings come to life
As Penny plays with colours, form, space and light, recording her emotions and inner musings, eventually a painting reveals itself.
She hopes to create artworks that inspire viewers to reflect on the questions and narratives of their lives.